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Do you know when VIA closed the downtown Edmonton station?
I can’t be certain, but I think that it happened shortly after I left Edmonton in Jan 1998.
I spent quite a bit of time capturing trains on this stub and down by the station when I knew that things were changing. I have no photos of the new station.
Steve, I am super curious about the elevator in the picture. It appears to be just off of 66st and Fort Road. Was it a seed cleaning plant? I am really trying to remember it there, but 8 year old me was more interested in seeing the trains lol. Do you what company owned it?
Sorry, I do not remember anything about that place. I am not even sure that it was operating during my time in Edmonton.
That elevator was on Fort road, pretty much where that is a new apartment building now. There used to be a baseball field in the SE corner of Fort and 66.