Caption: 2316 is on point for TH41 as they work Aberdeen Yard, initially setting off plastic pellet hoppers, bulkheads, centrebeams, boxcars, and coils. This was shot a little less than an hour after they first arrived, and from what I observed I think they were nearing completion of the initial set offs at this point. I believe nights here can be quite long and tedious for the crews however, as they often have to cherry pick empty plastic pellet hoppers to take back to Kinnear. In between that, they have pushing duties to attend to, helping trains like 142 and 246 make the trip north up the escarpment. Aberdeen Yard is exclusively worked by the night crew, and is something I have seen a few times just driving by on my way home if I happen to get back to town late. This was my first attempt at shooting this job however, and luckily for me, the lead unit stopped in just the right spot for a shot.
Excellent man
Thanks Curtis
*247, not 246. Small correction!