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Rarely has CN intermodal train 149 (Halifax - Chicago) turned up when I'm watching the Bayview Jct area.  It was a double surprise to catch it meeting its counterpart train 148 there on 2019 March 19 around 1:43PM.
CN 148 has a GMD SD70M-2 in the lead, second unit is a standard-cab EMD SD60.  
CN 149 was powered by CN 8022 leading (SD70M-2) and GECX 9507 (C41-8W in UP colours, except for CN-painted A/C unit). 
Head ends of both trains crossed near the signals at the bridge over Hwy 403.
Tail ends of both trains crossed near the spot where front of 148 is.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Pittman all rights reserved.

Caption: Very rarely do I see a westbound intermodal train on a day when I'm watching the Bayview Jct area in good-light hours.
Often-seen eastbound CN 148 (Chicago - Halifax) has westbound counterpart 149; I assume it usually passes here in the dark.
People with access to CN train numbers indicate that the train on the north (far) track is westbound CN train 199.

I eastbound (approaching) train is presumably CN 148, with a GMD SD70M-2 in the lead, second unit standard-cab EMD SD60.
The other train, westbound 199, had CN 8022 leading (SD70M-2) with GECX 9507 (C41-8W in UP colours, except CN-painted A/C unit).

Head ends of the trains met near the signals at the bridge over Hwy 403, at about 1:43 PM on Tuesday 19 March 2019.
Tail ends of the trains crossed a few minutes later around where the front of 148 is in this picture.

John Pittman [288] (more) (contact)
Date: 2019-03-19 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 8890, CN 5431 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 148 meets CN 199 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Dundas Sub 0.3 (search)
City/Town: Hamilton West (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=36946
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Photo ID: 35754

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  1. sure that wasn’t a 199 ? There was a Prince Rupert marine container train WB on Tuesday..PM sometime

  2. Yes 8022 was 199

  3. Thanks for that correction, the only intermodal I see regularly is 148 … didn’t hear anything on the scanner, so 149 was just a guess. Still a lucky catch meet.

  4. Is the way that you guys find out the train number available to me ?
    I submitted request to substitute new caption and correct Train symbol on March 21.

  5. I just know from people who saw it further west down the line, and was confirmed later by those who’d know.

    And agreed, a rare treat to see two stack trains meeting on the Dundas, regardless of which two.

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