Caption: CN 2210, a CLC H16-44 (sometimes called a "Baby Train Master", but that term was generally used for the H24-66's smaller sibling the H16-66) sits at MacMillan Yard in Concord ON in 1969. By this time CN was retiring its CLC fleet, and 2210 didn't have many more miles to go (if it hadn't already been retired). Many of CN's CLC units ended up at London Reclamation yard in their final days, awaiting the scrapper's torch.
Actually, she looks very well maintained for a locomotive at the close of her career. It’s really sad the FM locos died out when they did. They were magnificent pullers, and frankly, interesting to listen to as they warmed up. Two big failings were their electrical system and the prime movers were a bi**h to work on.
Frankly, I miss them.