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Sniff, sniff. Bringing back lots of memories of being lined into York 1…the end of lots of long journeys home.
…and lots of nights parking at the A Building waiting for a track I suspect. I was a bit surprised the the RTC sent them all in on York 1. The third was fouling the plant for 40 minutes, and was still there when I left. York 2 was always a nice way in from my Receiving Control days. Always odd to look down towards Hwy 7 and see 3 inbounds (the Halton too) on Saturday mornings
I spent many hrs parked at the A building waiting for the dual to pull a track and of course it was first come first serve unless the crew was running out of time. They rarely like to bring trains in on York 2 or 3 unless they have a track for the train right away. York 2 tends to be saved for outbound trains