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So you get what you want just like magic, eh? (The CN 9675 was formerly GO 708).
Thats a jazzy shot.
Great! That’s a lot of power seeing as back in the day two SW1200′s would have sufficed.
Jazzy indeed. CN 9675 has a lot of green paint showing through the worn CN paint. I’m looking forward to 6 months from now when I can grab a shot of 580 before work… BEFORE work Arnold.
Ah yes, I DO understand, Mr. Smith. But, is it something I believe? Hmmmm……..
These short days and lack of sun do not give us any time to do much other than work.
Those who do work, of course.
Really nice shot Joe. Plus the three variations of CN paint schemes on the same model is neat.
And the collection of brooms on 9543. Can’t be too ready!