Caption: The property holds historical value as the bri
dge was constructed to carry a portion of the
Grand Trunk Railway and it incorporates abutme
nts from a previous Great Western Railway
bridge. The Grand Trunk played an important ro
le in Ontario’s development history, and
Toronto’s railways connected it to
new markets and contributed si
gnificantly to its growth and
regional dominance.
In terms of contextual value,
this bridge contributes
to a landscape of
bridges and underpasses
along the mouth of the Humber River. As an ear
ly bridge across this portion of the Humber
(integrating portions of an ev
en earlier bridge), it remains important in supporting the
character of this area, which
is defined by connective infrastr
ucture clustered on the Humber,
traversing green space and industrial land. The br
idge is physically, functionally, visually, and
historically integrated with its surroundings, as
it carries track across th
e Humber River. It is
visually connected to Lake Shore Boulevard
and The Queensway, and access to the underpass
is linked to the Humber River Recreational Trail.
The new span being pushed into position where the crane will move it over to track #1 to be lowered into the Humber.