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This is 432 if it’s heading towards Mac Yard. I never saw 431 yesterday when on the Halton Sub which was odd.
The leader is RLHH, not GEXR. Fun consist though
Thanks for the correction James. You too Mike although I was always told 432 becomes 431 after Kitchener yard but I may be wrong. Same drill on the way enact except 431 becomes 432 after Kitchener.
Another question as well involveing the construction that Bramalea is undergoing, one thing I notice is that all eastbound freights seem to be switching over from the south track to the middle after Bramalea GO. Is this because of any potential track work further up? Just some random question I had.
Oops just noticed a small error as well. Wrong date. Accidentally put Aug 4.
Actual photo date was Sunday Aug 5 at 10:24am.
Sorry about that guys
Mike work block on the Guelph sub yesterday so no gexr freight.
@Railfan99.When there is 3 or more tracks they are designated #1,2,3 from north to south or west to east if tracks run north to south. Normal practice for eastward trains to operate on #2 track east of Peel. At Halwest the tracks change to two tracks on the Halton Sub and #2 track becomes the south track past Halwest.
Thank you for the correction ngineerer4u! Yet another typo, got a little mixed up there. Ment to say I noticed that eastbound freights normally switch over from the north track to track #2 just before Halwest. Thanks for the info as well, never knew track numbers were designated to north from south! Learned yet another something new!
Great shot! Interesting configuration of that consist as well.
One further correction, I believe that’s 3394 instead of 3393. The later is out of service, long term.