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Nice work Matt! I miss seeing that pair of units there.
Cool! I had no idea OSR operated there and that the 378 was ex-SOO.
My hood! Great shot Matt. How did you get that shot? I’ve climbed the sand boxes but still the fence would get in the way.
Brad- I seem to recall it was a “feet on top of bench backrest, underarms on top of fence, body at 45degree angle position.” Definitely not a comfortable one !
Kevin- If memory serves me correctly this was where OSR first began operations. They’re only unit at the time was #51 and the company grew from there.
Marcus- Thanks, I miss when you could see OSR, CN, and CP all in the same evening here.
I got a good wave from the CN local conductor when they used to switch around 4… my camera quality was bad… I have the pics up on rrpicturearchives..are you from Clarkson?
Hi Brad, I am originally from Streetsville.