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Not so rare actually. L570 runs via the Bala and Oakville as required. Nice catch!
Considering it happens a few times a year at best, and majority of said moves are at night, i’d consider it rare.
A few times a year at best? Hardly. I have worked that job many times, so I can say its more than a few times a year. Yes most moves happen at night because of the GO traffic. Weekends are less of a worry. Also because freight trains using the USRC have to pay wheelage and weight rates CN uses this route only when required.
Nice catch! Cool to see a freight through downtown TO. Didn’t 435 use this route for a while? I recall back in 2011 they ran south along the Bala Sub; caught it several times at a site off Leslie St, south of the 401.
Hey Kevin, you are correct. 435 did run down the Bala with a set off at Oakville then to Aldershot.
At least I can see where I work. Lol.