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One can never have too many “Bullet Nose Betty’s”
Keep ‘em coming!!
What was the purpose of this station? Train orders? Jct of welland and Stamford subs?
Train orders is right, Mr. Host.
Stephen, I think you meant Jct of Grimsby and Stamford Subs. The Welland Sub was on the West side of the Canal.
You are correct on the Stamford, given the date 1977
however before the re-alignment Clifton to Port Robinson was part of the Welland sub into the early 70′s:
Once the re-alignment was completed, the Welland sub ceased to exist.
West side of the Canal was the Canal and Thorold subdivisions. plus all the N&ST track. I have no idea how all the N&ST and Steam line track was re-aligned, it’s a crazy mess of tracks on the west side now
With very little traffic I may add.