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Thanks for sharing this. You would need a drone to do this shot now as everything has grown in.
The Canadian was a very short train in the off-peak season for several years before it was turned over to VIA. It was usually the middle of June before the train acquired more than one sleeper and a Park car on the Toronto section.
What a difference in train length these days. Of course, the VIA Canadian is only twice a week this summer. But in the first week of June the train is about 20 cars long. There are two coaches, eight or nine Manor sleepers, two Prestige sleepers, two diners, three Skyline cars and a Park car.
Is this the bridge north of Midhurst station between hwy. 26 and hwy 27?
Yes, I believe that is the one. Its been a long time since I have been there, so could be wrong.
Yes it is. It is all grown in now.
I walked across that bridge in 1965 after midnight and a 4-12 shift as relieving operator at Midhurst Station. I remember it was very dark but a good shortcut to my boarding house on Hwu. 26.