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A cool shot on a bitterly cold day finds CP westbound time freight 917 with 5750- QNSL 208 (being purchased by CP) making a small setoff at Chatham.
There was an expression used by C&O workers, that on cold winter days when the snow is dry, it " runs " as the wind pushes it from one place to another. This was in reference to otherwise flat terrain where the snow would 'run' and accumulate to the lee of a hedgerow or a stand of trees. Such is the case on this bright morning, as 917 appears to be moving at track speed. In fact, the head-end man has made the cut on the Chatham cars and they are pulling ahead to clear the plant, in order to get the rail & signal to shove the cars into the yard. The caboose was probably being changed out for the Chatham-based roadswitcher.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bruce Mercer all rights reserved.

Caption: A cool shot on a bitterly cold day finds CP westbound time freight 917 with 5750- QNSL 208 (being purchased by CP) making a small setoff at Chatham. There was an expression used by C&O workers, that on cold winter days when the snow is dry, it " runs " as the wind pushes it from one place to another. This was in reference to otherwise flat terrain where the snow would 'run' and accumulate to the lee of a hedgerow or a stand of trees. Such is the case on this bright morning, as 917 appears to be moving at track speed. In fact, the head-end man has made the cut on the Chatham cars and they are pulling ahead to clear the plant, in order to get the rail & signal to shove the cars into the yard. The caboose was probably being changed out for the Chatham-based roadswitcher.

Bruce Mercer [100] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/5/1985 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 5750 (search)
Train Symbol: 917 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CPR Windsor Sub (search)
City/Town: Chatham (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=30202
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Photo ID: 29034

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  1. Very nice. I still miss Chatham, been a decade since I’ve been back. Not much has changed other than the Tower being removed, and the C&O/CSX but Track’s still there..

    Anyone know if the Cantilever signal still stands?

  2. Yes it’s still there. Lots has changed in the East end of town though, no diamond on the CN or CP, and the old C&O yard is tagged and spiked O.O.S. CP also no longer uses the yard for any setoffs or lifts unless a train is simply too big to yard in Walkerville, they’ll drop a few cars and the next train will generally pick them up.

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