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When NS decided to go cabooseless ( van-less, crummy-less, hack-less....) in Canada, they had to make an arrangement with CP in order to have leading engines with the proper on-board equipment. This became a Horsepower Hours repayment situation ( NS provided similar HP units for CP trains in the Southern Tier and D&H operating region). Saying all that just to say - here's a typical NS train 328 coming off the Dundas Sub with at least 2 CPR engines, making his way onto the connecting track known as The Cowpath, and heading into Hamilton.
No horses were harmed in the taking of this photo.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bruce Mercer all rights reserved.

Caption: When NS decided to go cabooseless ( van-less, crummy-less, hack-less....) in Canada, they had to make an arrangement with CP in order to have leading engines with the proper on-board equipment. This became a Horsepower Hours repayment situation ( NS provided similar HP units for CP trains in the Southern Tier and D&H operating region). Saying all that just to say - here's a typical NS train 328 coming off the Dundas Sub with at least 2 CPR engines, making his way onto the connecting track known as The Cowpath, and heading into Hamilton. No horses were harmed in the taking of this photo.

Bruce Mercer [100] (more) (contact)
Date: 5/13/1997 (search)
Railway: Norfolk Southern (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 5526 (search)
Train Symbol: NS 328 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Hamilton West (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29929
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  1. There is a certain sadness in the air over a joke like that, BEM’r.

  2. Hey, they made a movie about being Sleep-less, so why not mention being crummy-less ??

  3. Odd seeing the CP red on CN’s lines…did NS have an agreement with CN to run on their lines? Weird arrangement if so, with NS borrowing power from CP to run on CN’s lines. Would have thought this train would be up on the hill on the Hamilton Sub.

  4. Todd, the NS agreement to operate on CN trackage in Ontario goes back to the 1880s/1890s under Wabash and Grand Trunk. Initially it was the Cayuga, Welland, Paynes and Chatham Subdivisions. But as business volumes changed and tracks got abandoned, it shifted to the Grimsby, Dundas and Talbotville Subs, followed by the Chatham and Caso Subs. Same longtime arrangement, but using different routings.

  5. These power consists confused my sister & her husband, who lived in Glencoe right by the first crossing out of Glencoe on the Payne’s Sub. The track ran right behind their property. She asked me why CP was running trains on that line. My nephew & his wife still live there, but the tracks are gone.

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