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Feb 21/73 I caught train No. 11 with 4073-8574 on a dull cold afternoon leaving West Toronto. Even thought it's a cluttered image, it still provides an overview of what The Junction looked like at that time. CN's Weston Sub is on the far right, with the CP North Toronto Sub crossing east/west in the far background. And even further away is the still-standing CPR West Toronto " heritage " station. Either I took this through an open window from inside the CN waiting room, or, I walked outside and stood beneath the roof overhang. Just another day at CN West Toronto - tickets, telegrams, trains and what-have-you. (for a later-life photo of 4073, see my photo of MUCTC 1303) at http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29750
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bruce Mercer all rights reserved.

Caption: Feb 21/73 I caught train No. 11 with 4073-8574 on a dull cold afternoon leaving West Toronto. Even thought it's a cluttered image, it still provides an overview of what The Junction looked like at that time. CN's Weston Sub is on the far right, with the CP North Toronto Sub crossing east/west in the far background. And even further away is the still-standing CPR West Toronto " heritage " station. Either I took this through an open window from inside the CN waiting room, or, I walked outside and stood beneath the roof overhang. Just another day at CN West Toronto - tickets, telegrams, trains and what-have-you. (for a later-life photo of 4073, see my photo of MUCTC 1303) at http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29750

Bruce Mercer [100] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/21/1973 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CPRail 4073 (search)
Train Symbol: No. 11 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Mactier Sub (search)
City/Town: West Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29763
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Photo ID: 28596

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  1. Thanks for this photo. I spent a lot of time watching trains from the two West Toronto stations and boarded quite a few as well. I believe this was the first year that CP did not run the Park car on the Toronto section except for mid-June to mid-Sept. and for two weeks around Christmas.

  2. Some things never change…CP’s engines were just as dirty then, as they are now! :P

    Another classic Mr. Mercer!

  3. Bruce, clutter or not, this a great picture captivating what it was like before elimination of West Toronto CN / CP diamonds and the CP track connection from CP MacTier Sub to their Galt Sub. Love the view of the wb Canadian and often thought I would take the same picture. Great composition including the iconic CNR Old Weston Rd. crossing gate tower and the level crossing flashing warning lights, the CN diamond protection signals and the CP signals for crossing over to Galt Sub. or proceeding on to North Toronto Sub. east bound. CP 4073 may be dirty, but that beautiful Canadian Pacific script writing on the side of 4073 is very much visible as is the reflection of the red CP interlocking signal on the side of a passing coach. I used to frequent this location all the time, and my guess is you were standing just south of the CN West Toronto Station when you took the picture , not from inside the station. On many winter Saturdays, I used to stand inside at the south window of this station, staying out of the cold and looking for a sign of a train approaching. Could always tell when a nb MacTier freight would be soon approaching as it could be seen backing east bound out from Lambton Yard. It is still a good location to photograph trains starting up the CP MacTier Sub. , but we won’t see the wb Canadian here again. Thanks for sharing this historical view.

  4. Hey Bruce, still a great picture ! In my last comments, I omitted to point out the old CPR West Toronto station in the right background which you mentioned, another reason why this a great picture. Question-how long did you work at CN West Toronto ? My Dad used to travel to Kitchener to call on customers and in the winter months rather than drive, he often took the train. In the ‘60’s I used to drive him to this station to board the morning Stratford -London train and #59 (I believe) back to pick him up in the evening (#58). This would save time as opposed to going down to Union Station. Often would arrive early and park in this very spot in the foreground hoping to see CP freight trains. Only later did Dad disclose why he preferred the train, he could purchase a parlour car seat and relax in on the way home nursing a scotch & water (not much water) – wise man. Thanks again for the picture and the memories.

  5. I worked here, 3-11pm from mid February 1973 to early September 1973. I think those Sarnia trains were 159/158 in that timeframe.

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