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CP train 955 headed up by an FA-1/FB-1 combo of 4015-4405 charges around the connecting track off the North Toronto Sub. and onto the Mactier Sub. In the left background is the small yard of Andrew Merrilees where red SW1 IREX 5 is resting. This was formerly Vermont Railway No. 5 and a former Erie Lackawanna unit before being sold to the equipment dealer. The CN crossing watchman’s tower is protecting traffic on Old Weston Road, and the watchman's little white dog seems to be inspecting the movement of 955 from the top step ! I was working 2nd trick at CN West Toronto and at the approach of each train, if possible, I would stand in the parking lot with my camera.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bruce Mercer all rights reserved.

Caption: CP train 955 headed up by an FA-1/FB-1 combo of 4015-4405 charges around the connecting track off the North Toronto Sub. and onto the Mactier Sub. In the left background is the small yard of Andrew Merrilees where red SW1 IREX 5 is resting. This was formerly Vermont Railway No. 5 and a former Erie Lackawanna unit before being sold to the equipment dealer. The CN crossing watchman’s tower is protecting traffic on Old Weston Road, and the watchman's little white dog seems to be inspecting the movement of 955 from the top step ! I was working 2nd trick at CN West Toronto and at the approach of each train, if possible, I would stand in the parking lot with my camera.

Bruce Mercer [100] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/07/1973 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 4015-4405 (search)
Train Symbol: 955 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Mactier Sub (search)
City/Town: West Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29758
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Photo ID: 28591

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  1. Great classic scene Mr.Mercer!

  2. Unreal!

  3. Great shot Bruce! :) Tell me though…what is that station type looking structure just visible beyond the watchman’s tower – just off in the distance to the right?

  4. That structure would have to be the CN section house [shanty]. It would have held 1 ( maybe 2..?) motor cars, plus likely had a lunchroom, a tool room, a dispatcher’s line and a desk etc etc.

  5. Hi Bruce, wonderful picture bringing back many pleasant memories! I may have seen you as I often would pull into the CN West Toronto mini-parking lot on Saturdays in the late ‘60’s and early ‘70’s to check out what might be happening. Nice matching FA and FB units with back to back multi-marks, and trailing graffiti-free CP box cars. Love the Old Weston Rd crossing gate tower and “tower” dog surveying the scene. There weren’t too many such towers guarding both CN and CP tracks at the same level crossing, here, Strachan Ave and Eastern Ave/Don Station are the ones I remember. Was this tower staffed by CN ? Thanks

  6. Thanks. I really don’t know who staffed the tower, but I’m going say the wages were probably split between the 2 railways.

  7. I worked 2nd trick here between Feb and early Sept 1973 ( 3-11pm ) with Wed/Thurs off …I think.

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