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A Doug Lawson photo.
A candidate for the Time Machine.
Del Rosamond's 1961 photo - http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=17034
In May 1961, Del Rosamond stood on the Spadina Ave bridge and captured a bevy of GMD1's, sprinkled with cab units, switchers and geeps. Very few were carrying the new paint scheme introduced in 1960.
In December 1982, Doug Lawson stood in nearly the same position and captured a different look, although the end goal is the same - passenger service. Here we can see a matched pair of Ontario Northland FP7's, along with VIA F9's and FPA4's, plus a handful of RDC's. There are other things of course - the CN Tower is now in place, along with the elevated walkway for access. John Street interlocking is fully visible in both images, as opposed to today when you'd need to get on your knees to find it beneath the commercial growth. So which do you prefer ??
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bruce Mercer collection all rights reserved.

Caption: A Doug Lawson photo.A candidate for the Time Machine.Del Rosamond's 1961 photo - http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=17034In May 1961, Del Rosamond stood on the Spadina Ave bridge and captured a bevy of GMD1's, sprinkled with cab units, switchers and geeps. Very few were carrying the new paint scheme introduced in 1960.In December 1982, Doug Lawson stood in nearly the same position and captured a different look, although the end goal is the same - passenger service. Here we can see a matched pair of Ontario Northland FP7's, along with VIA F9's and FPA4's, plus a handful of RDC's. There are other things of course - the CN Tower is now in place, along with the elevated walkway for access. John Street interlocking is fully visible in both images, as opposed to today when you'd need to get on your knees to find it beneath the commercial growth. So which do you prefer ??

Bruce Mercer collection [100] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/28/1982 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: various (search)
Train Symbol: none (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Spadina shop (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29396
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Photo ID: 28229

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  1. I will never get tired of seeing photos like this from Spadina. Used to go there as a kid and remember it well.

  2. A wonderful image from Mr. Lawson – thank you for posting this Bruce. I’m very partial to Del’s photography. I second the nomination to the Time Machine (hey, can we do that, lol)?

  3. Thanks for adding this Bruce – we finally got caught up in the Time Machine submission (it took 4 months) and we’ve added this baby to it. Great effort.

  4. I remember that view quite well. The tower cranes behind the John St. Interlocking Tower would be the start of construction for L’Hotel, Metro Toronto Convention Centre and 277 Front St. West office tower and the future home of CN Great Lakes Regional Offices and the CN Toronto RTC Centre.

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