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I was a kid and very dissappointed to see that black paint replacing the nice green look.
I looked at this image closely, and in fact I can see a brakeman throwing hand signals – looks like the CN freight had to cross the diamond and reverse to perform a lift or set-off at the CNR/NYC interchange.
This location was never an interchange, in the official term, between any of the passing companies. This is some sort of odd circumstance however. The engineer is watching those hand signals and there are some 30 or so cars still in the passing track. The engine is not displaying any signals which means it’s a Fourth class train, of which during this timeframe would be roadswitcher No. 790 and Ft Erie freight No. 486 and /or 488. I would go with 790 ( Ft Erie/Brantford turn) and perhaps with everything being CN boxcars (except the first 2) maybe there are grain moves pending and these are coming out of storage..??