Caption: For me, this is how I remember Aldershot the best. On any day trains from CN,CP,VIA,GO Transit and Amtrak could be found rolling past the landmark, old but still used cold storage building, and there always seemed to be a train busy working in the yard. Sadly the installation of the third track would not only bring the demise of the cold storage building but also the installation of fencing along the mainline. Time marches on I guess. Here we have a CP trackage rights train headed to the CP connection at Campa Jct. passing CN local 552 busy switching the yard.
Yep. That is exactly how I remember it. A great spot. The Cold Storage place was THE landmark. This shot is a classic example of what used to be.
Jeepers Marcus. 6 engines in the picture and everyone of them is different, in one way or another. Try and do that today, a difficult task I would think. Even a barn in there. Very nicely done and great looking photo.
Ah, those were the days, at least for me I miss seeing CP on the Oakville sub. And even CN east of Burlington West. Nothing but locals now east of there today lots of landmarks have disappeared around here too.
Although I was more likely to shoot from the Lemonville Road bridge in the background there was an incredible variety of action around the area. Great shot! Lots of memories.