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Cool! GP9′s still working and earning a living with high hoods. This also is the same short line that is using the blue and white F-units? You Ontario guys have it made in the shade right now.
Yep! Same shortline!
This is also the pride of their fleet: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=21776
The pride of the fleet is actively leading trains lately:
Extra 1014 where are you from? OSR is very much worth your visit, and don’t forget the Guelph Junction division which has been using the ALCO/MLW’s for the last month:
The Guelph Junction division is a 45 minute drive from the Salford division. You can easily do both in one day too.
Between both divisions on an average weekday, OSR runs four to six trains a day using classic motive power not found on Class 1′s.
You are wetting my appetite. I have not done any serious train chasing in several years now. Even more so than taking pictures I would love to hear a pair of F-units rev up as they get their train under way. A sound of my youth and where all this interest began, at the train station going on a trip. It’s a drive but not to big from Edmonton to the Toronto area. Honey! The guys want me to come chase trains. Can we go? Heh Heh.