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A classic old structure looking just like I remember so many of them.
In wandering about did you capture pictures of the outbuildings there? The station has been photographed often, but with the passage of time the other buildings have become a key part of research. Tx.
I took a few additional pictures at the time. None of them are great probably because I was still getting used to the camera. A few years back I E-mailed the pictures to the Midway town hall & told them to use the pictures as they see fit. I have many pictures of railway buildings & each one is informative in it’s own way.
Hi James. I have been to Midway many times, but only to the museum. They were unaware at the time of what they had. I took them out to show the foundations of the old structures. Can you easily access your pics? I doubt it will be possible to get to the Midway town hall anytime soon. Tx.