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Wow, this is really great to see. Thanks!
Great that you posted this, Clayton. Even better that you were there to see it. ) As far as a 6PM train, well, rule of the railroad is to be late……..and this looks like it was around 8PM or after, judging by the setting sun.
Looks like the beeton sub
My apologies, when i saw the words “barrie to hamilton” i knew this train would go on the beeton sub, which it could of done, or it took the newmarket sub to toronto and on the oakville, i am actually not sure.
The public timetable I referred to shows 662-663 operating from Barrie to Allandale, Vine, Thornton, Cookstown, Randall, Beeton, Tottenham, Palgrave, Albion, Caledon East,and Georgetown where I’m guessing it becomes westbound 663 to Milton, Burlington, Aldershot and Hamilton. 93 miles in 3 hours and 35 min.
Sounds like a splendid way to spend an evening.
Clayton tells me he and a couple of friends were planning to get a photo of one of a kind rebuilt streamlined oil-electric D1, which was a regular on this run. It had broken down and was replaced by the 1321.
Very interesting. While a disappointment at the time surely this would have been a rare thing though on this line.. a conventional train.
Julian Bernard has said very similar notes about a train he posted a couple weeks ago.. they were to go shoot a self propelled doodlebug only to find a conventional train with Steam..
Photos that now have turned into absolute gems!
Thanks for sharing guys!
Inglewood is still a nice place to make memories, and that house at far left is still standing.
Now.. if one was to build a station at Inglewod.. we now have photos to go by
Just saw this picture and totally agree, excellent stuff ! Indeed it is Inglewood and yes, she’s southbound, but why the ” extra flags ” ? One possible explanation — passenger service ended at Inglewood on Oct.29 1960. Is this the southbound equipment move back to Hamilton the next day ? That would have been a good reason for Clayton to be there.
runeight has a sharp eye and noticed the white flags on the 1321. Since 1321 is replacing D1 which had broken down, I’d guess the flags got overlooked in the rush. This would be a regular train as passenger service had a couple of months to go on this line.