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Ah I’d wish I would see the old cab cars in the new scheme, or F59PH 564, why 564? It is missing side logos! just like when it was rebuilt in the early early 2000′s! Well the new cab cars are nice but one thing throws me off. the headlights! the way they flash and the way that they combined strobes and the main headlight puzzles me
Just hold on – you never know what may happen. The new headlights are also LED – they are havoc on light meters and briiiiiiiiiiiiiight….
So far i’ve noticed CP GP20C-ECO’s and these cab cars have LED headlights. What else?
Great shot Steve! I actually like how the new paint blends with the sky.
Wow you are getting really good at this reflection stuff
Great shot!
IIRC the MP40′s have LED headlights too.
One of the criticisms was they didn’t generate enough heat to melt snow accumulating on them – ooops!
Your puddle photos Mr Host, they’re pretty great.
Jacob I don’t see how the paint blends with the sky. If GO’s scheme was sky blue (like some CITX power, including those dreaded GP20D’s) it would certainly blend in with a blue sky. This does not
Perhaps wrong choice of words?
Yer making a big splash with this stuff.
I guess what I’m saying is the colours seem to compliment each other.
Thank you everyone for the kind comments. Jacob , I agree bud.
Just for the record, the MP40′s, GP20C’s and all other units do not have LED headlights, unless they were retrofitted. Most of the units all have incandescent headlights except for those GO 300 series cab cars which came from the factory like that. You can find LED lights on the numberboards, steps and running boards of all locomotives, old or new.
First the Stratford Walmart..now you’ve raided the guelph Walmart
Ah, it goes back to my light nemeses, the LED…