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They are still relatively young. I’d love to see an SD33ECO rebuild of one of these just to see what type of kitbashing can be done.
But yes some of them are being sold off or meeting the scrappers torch.
Yes, it would be nice to have a rebuild that would keep the unique enclosed carbody.
Love those 9000′s. Saw a lot of them on mainline service through my hometown at Grenfell, SK. I rode in one switching. The engineer told me they didn’t really care for them. He said they were noisy. The sound carried right through from the engine room.
They didn’t migrate east until I believe 1999 or 2000, once the GE’s started invading. For a comparison there’s one with duct tape holding the entire ceiling up.
Seeing one of these east of Thunder Bay was rare back at the turn of the century. You can correct me on this. GE’s you’d seen, but they were fresh from Erie and being towed out west. One time with my girlfriend passing through Union Station on the Gardiner, in either 1998 or 1999, the International rolled in from Chicago behind a Pepsi Can. Those were very rare.
I heard they don’t care much for the SD90′s either. In fact they hate them.