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Excellent work Steve.
Excellent shot Steve. Great light – I am unlucky thus far…every time I go out to photograph I have a) sunlight, but poor….or (b) it’s always a cloudy day.
By the way – could you help me out a little? Can you send me the steps to take to put your copyright symbol onto your photo and how you make your lettering clear?
Have to check the weather and play your chances Todd. Of course in the summer the sun tends to be out a lot more..
Sure – the exact steps, using Photoshop CS2 as my basis:
a) Text tool, choose appropriate size/font, and colour/placement
b) once text placed, go to layers -> layer style -> blending options and change the opacity to the desired amount
c) GO to layers -> layer style again and you can drop shadow, if desired.
That’s it really. Your mileage will vary with some other tool but Google for it and you’ll find something for whatever you use.