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Approximately a mile south of Fraser depot (also south of the turning loop), the WP&YR crosses the river which carries water from Summit Lake to Bernard Lake.  I noted this scenic spot as I passed it driving north on the Klondike Highway some hours earlier, and hurried here to intercept the train I saw departing Fraser BC. 
The highway, river, and railway run parallel for a short distance south of here before diverging.  For most of its route, the White Pass & Yukon Railway is far from the nearest road, often the far side of a river, lake, or rugged terrain.  
If the  weather cooperates, this is a great place to photograph a train.  But it is Pacific coastal mountain territory so cloud and rain happen.   
Anyone interested in learning more about "North America's busiest tourist railroad" can find the May 2006 Trains Magazine article online at:  http://wpyr.com/railfans/trains-magazine/   
Another magazine article on the WP&YR official site is:   http://wpyr.com/railfans/railways-illustrated/
The WP&YR is currently owned by TWC Enterprises Limited of King City Ontario.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Pittman all rights reserved.

Caption: Approximately a mile south of Fraser depot (also south of the turning loop), the WP&YR crosses the river which carries water from Summit Lake to Bernard Lake. I noted this scenic spot as I passed it driving north on the Klondike Highway some hours earlier, and hurried here to intercept the train I saw departing Fraser BC. The highway, river, and railway run parallel for a short distance south of here before diverging. For most of its route, the White Pass & Yukon Railway is far from the nearest road, often the far side of a river, lake, or rugged terrain.
If the weather cooperates, this is a great place to photograph a train. But it is Pacific coastal mountain territory so cloud and rain happen.

Anyone interested in learning more about "North America's busiest tourist railroad" can find the May 2006 Trains Magazine article online at: http://wpyr.com/railfans/trains-magazine/
Another magazine article on the WP&YR official site is: http://wpyr.com/railfans/railways-illustrated/

The WP&YR is currently owned by TWC Enterprises Limited of King City Ontario.

John Pittman [288] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/12/2013 (search)
Railway: White Pass and Yukon (search)
Reporting Marks: WPY 91, WPY 97 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: WP&YR ~ mp 26 (search)
City/Town: Fraser (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=21602
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One Comment
  1. Gorgeous effort !!

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