Caption: Much has changed through the years at the Kitchener station. The first change, would be in the form of the city's name change from Berlin, Ontario. The second most notable change would be the removal of the large tower on the station. Around this time, many of the factories that surrounded the station and were serviced by the railway began to disappear. Most recent changes include an overpass. This replaced the level crossing on adjacent King Street, since Metrolinx extended GO Train service to the area.
It gets worse – Addition of GO platform amenities – lighting, ramps, Presto stations, and shelters.
And in 2 years, the LRT multi-modal transit hub will be open at King St, and I suspect this GTR structure will no longer be used for VIA or GO – instead moving to the new LRT station.
A real shame, the ION LRT proponents, and Waterloo Region council are basically building a high-rise ‘station’ simply to echo the ‘urban intensification’ desires along the LRT corridor, which ultimately, will leave the classic Grand Trunk station an orphan.
One could have moved it down the tracks and incorporated it into the new design, but who cares about heritage , right?
Wow. I had no idea how significant this was! I was unaware of the new LRT station, and of course…the new urban design is the option these days.
Too bad about the GT station being left in the dark. I think Kitchener has had some good repore of saving certain structures….hopefully this falls into line?
I wholeheartedly agree to re-using an old / new building. Brockville is a great recent example of such. Old building, restored with new materials all to appear like it did when it was built.
Sign of the times…true, but in most cases sad.
Great shot. It`s too bad this station will not be used for much longer. I hope this station will be saved.
Enjoy the uncluttered look while it lasts. The Allandale Waterfont station in Barrie has 3 rows of light fixtures with posts every 40 feet