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Very nice.
Thanks Joe and Steve. Random Thought: I wonder if my parents had to pay extra for the Train-View lot.
Your parents probably had to pay a little more for the Train-View lot on this side of the rails. The other side has poles and wires interfering with the view.
This power is probably the “push engine”. They used to call 2 hoggers off the spareboard in Toronto & they would ferry yard engines from Agincourt to Parkdale & Lambton Yards. They also used them sometimes to get the GO power at Mimico, that CP leased on weekends. They were called the “push” because they also assisted over tonnage eastbound trains from Leaside to Toronto Yard. They would sit on the Don branch until the train needing a ‘push’ stopped & they would couple on the head end to assist. Despite being called the “push engine”, they usually pulled, rather than pushed.The crew sometimes swapped power at Lambton, so these guys in his great photo might have returned to Agincourt with a different unit(or units).