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Isn't this an indication of 'climate change'?? Well, for those who believe in such.......here we are 6 days before Christmas 1990 and not a spot of snow anywhere.Perhaps it was days like this that suggested CP deal off their excess snow-ploughs? Here are 18 of them sitting at mile 13, Hamilton Sub. All are 400-xxx series; and from the front.....400607, 606, 872, 880, 896, 642, 780, 785, 692, 899, 814, 783, 816, 775, 850, 848, 792 and 608. The 400850, built 1926 Angus; went to the Henry Ford museum in Michigan. the 400814, 783, 816 and 792 were sold to New Jersey Transit. I don't know the disposition of the rest; but must assume to a scrapper, somewhere. Oddly enough, the 400692 was still on the roster in 2002. It must have escaped!! Houdini-plough!!
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W. Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Isn't this an indication of 'climate change'?? Well, for those who believe in such.......here we are 6 days before Christmas 1990 and not a spot of snow anywhere.Perhaps it was days like this that suggested CP deal off their excess snow-ploughs? Here are 18 of them sitting at mile 13, Hamilton Sub. All are 400-xxx series; and from the front.....400607, 606, 872, 880, 896, 642, 780, 785, 692, 899, 814, 783, 816, 775, 850, 848, 792 and 608. The 400850, built 1926 Angus; went to the Henry Ford museum in Michigan. the 400814, 783, 816 and 792 were sold to New Jersey Transit. I don't know the disposition of the rest; but must assume to a scrapper, somewhere. Oddly enough, the 400692 was still on the roster in 2002. It must have escaped!! Houdini-plough!!

A.W. Mooney [2213] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/19/1990 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: ploughs (search)
Train Symbol: nil (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Hamilton Sub. (search)
City/Town: Brookfield (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=13636
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Photo ID: 12616

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  1. Great shot Arnold. There can’t be many photo’s like it around.

  2. Holy snowplows batman! There’s probably that many plows left on the entire CP system!

  3. This is what happens when you abandon or sell off most of your branch lines, a few plows also went to American Shortlines I know the Delaware Lackawanna picked up one. Cool shot!

  4. I think Arnold must’ve been the Man On The Spot and got a unique photo.

  5. Truly, a once-in-a-lifetime shot. You were lucky.

  6. Whv were all of the plows parked together?

  7. I admit it, JP. I was flippin’ lucky to come across that collection of ploughs. And of course adding to the fact they were in a location that not many fans bother with. I didn’t hear how they arrived there nor when or where they went. But I would assume the were collected to go Stateside and be dispersed to wherever they were dealt off to. Surplus!!!

  8. Why would they get rid of them? It’s not as if snow stopped being an issue. Was it cheaper to use front end loaders and earth movers?

  9. I find it hard to believe CP still uses anything like this but it would be cool to see if 400692 is still kicking around. I have a DVD of it plowing on the Owen Sound sub back in the early 90′s I believe… must have been around the time this picture was taken.

  10. I don’t know what the stats are offhand but I do know many shortlines have employed former CP ploughs. Times are not like the days past. Snowstorms of any magnitude are far and few between.

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