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While I have never been a big end cab switcher person, I gained an appreciation for the former CP RS23’s after many years of Railfaning the OSR. While the MLW S13 was built mainly for yard work, the almost identical RS23 rides in road switcher trucks allowing it to be just as useful on branchlines and mainlines as in the yard. Nicknamed “rockets” OSR’s handful of RS23’s were kept busy on the Guelph junction railway over the years and often operated not just in pairs but often as a trio. “Danger crossing “ was a favourite spot of mine on the line, this day a road plow recently passed making the scene a bit more dramatic as the trio heads north to Guelph.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: While I have never been a big end cab switcher person, I gained an appreciation for the former CP RS23’s after many years of Railfaning the OSR. While the MLW S13 was built mainly for yard work, the almost identical RS23 rides in road switcher trucks allowing it to be just as useful on branchlines and mainlines as in the yard. Nicknamed “rockets” OSR’s handful of RS23’s were kept busy on the Guelph junction railway over the years and often operated not just in pairs but often as a trio. “Danger crossing “ was a favourite spot of mine on the line, this day a road plow recently passed making the scene a bit more dramatic as the trio heads north to Guelph.

Marcus W Stevens [1080] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/17/2011 (search)
Railway: Ontario Southland (search)
Reporting Marks: OSRX 504 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Goderich subdivision (search)
City/Town: Corwhin (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50079
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Photo ID: 48794

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One Comment
  1. This crossing was actually referred to as “the danger bell crossing”. Before the standard set of flashing crossing lights pictured were installed…there used to be a crossbuck on one side of the track & an old signal & bell on the other. The signal had the old style crossbuck with a flashing lighted glass panel above it that had the word “danger” stenciled on the glass. The danger bell name made for easy identification among the older railroaders who recalled it. I worked my first Conductor job on CP on that line & we used the 8021 sometimes. It ended up with OSR, might even be one of these two.

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