Caption: What is assumed to be CN train 585, is viewed departing westbound at Paris West on the CN Dundas Subdivision with CN slug 260 leading GP9RM’s 7265, 4107 and two cars. At the time, this local operated from London as far east as Paris and Brantford, usually making an appearance in the afternoon. CN 260 was classed as an HBU-4, which was a hump booster unit. It wasn’t common practice for a slug set to be assigned to this turn, however it was the 90’s so anything was possible even on local jobs.
Nice pic. Actually the 200 series slugs are not common on the hump. the 500 class slugs do hump duty whereas the 200 are normally used in pull down service. I hated having slugs on the road as they are speed restricted without ditch lights
@ngineered4u- Thanks for the comment and for the informaton on the slug.