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Trains, Bridges, Waterways .....

    FP9A 6504, a F9B and another FP9A are in charge of VIA #3 SUPER CONTINENTAL.... 

    ….on the Super C's tail end: two E series sleeping cars, two River series –  one in CN livery – sleeping cars and a baggage.

   at the CN Drawbridge mile 89.9 Bala Subdivision, September 29, 1979 Kodachrome by S.Danko

    Q: When the bridge is a swing bridge, why do the railways call such Interlockings a 'Drawbridge'??

   Notable: The Bridge Tender's shanty has been re-sided in white and as of August 2014 was in situ. More recently appears to have been replaced by a trailer. Drawbridge is in service May 1 to October 15. 

   Noteworthy: The CN Drawbridge is in a park like setting on the Trent Canal main channel between Sparrow Lake ( north) and Lake Couchiching ( south). The bridge is CN controlled, Trent Canal mile 209.1 (from Trenton at mile 0.0), upon approach boaters must observe the bridge status...the bridge crossing is not signaled for boaters ( Locks are signaled) and for boaters  “ is always a bonus when the bridge is open ”' …. and if a wait required ' not fun ' on a windy day. Boaters' wait  times for clearance (swing time plus train time and opening swing time ) can be upwards of 20 minutes. 

    Lock 42, the Couchiching Lock, Trent Canal mile 209.9 (from Trenton mile 0.0) is a few hundred yards to the north.

    E sleeping car, built for CNR: fifty two in the series (as of 1973): built 1952, 70 tons, 4 sections, 8 duplex roomettes, 4 double bedroom, examples #1137 Enfield, #1159 Eldorado

   River sleeping car, purchased by CNR from various roads: twenty from NYC in 1965, five from MILW in 1965, twelve from FEC in 1967, five from EL in 1967: as of 1973 forty seven in the series: most built 1949, 65 to 74 tons, 10 roomettes, 6 double bedrooms, examples CN #2131 Grand Codroy River (ex FEC Argentina), CN #2086 Pembina River (ex NYC 10199 Chicopee River). [source UCRS CNR Passenger Equipment binder]

    More Trains, Bridges, Waterways, adding Boats and Marina:

       mile 88.4 

Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.


Trains, Bridges, Waterways .....

FP9A 6504, a F9B and another FP9A are in charge of VIA #3 SUPER CONTINENTAL....

….on the Super C's tail end: two E series sleeping cars, two River series – one in CN livery – sleeping cars and a baggage.

at the CN Drawbridge mile 89.9 Bala Subdivision, September 29, 1979 Kodachrome by S.Danko

Q: When the bridge is a swing bridge, why do the railways call such Interlockings a 'Drawbridge'??

Notable: The Bridge Tender's shanty has been re-sided in white and as of August 2014 was in situ. More recently appears to have been replaced by a trailer. Drawbridge is in service May 1 to October 15.

Noteworthy: The CN Drawbridge is in a park like setting on the Trent Canal main channel between Sparrow Lake ( north) and Lake Couchiching ( south). The bridge is CN controlled, Trent Canal mile 209.1 (from Trenton at mile 0.0), upon approach boaters must observe the bridge status...the bridge crossing is not signaled for boaters ( Locks are signaled) and for boaters “ is always a bonus when the bridge is open ”' …. and if a wait required ' not fun ' on a windy day. Boaters' wait times for clearance (swing time plus train time and opening swing time ) can be upwards of 20 minutes.

Lock 42, the Couchiching Lock, Trent Canal mile 209.9 (from Trenton mile 0.0) is a few hundred yards to the north.

E sleeping car, built for CNR: fifty two in the series (as of 1973): built 1952, 70 tons, 4 sections, 8 duplex roomettes, 4 double bedroom, examples #1137 Enfield, #1159 Eldorado

River sleeping car, purchased by CNR from various roads: twenty from NYC in 1965, five from MILW in 1965, twelve from FEC in 1967, five from EL in 1967: as of 1973 forty seven in the series: most built 1949, 65 to 74 tons, 10 roomettes, 6 double bedrooms, examples CN #2131 Grand Codroy River (ex FEC Argentina), CN #2086 Pembina River (ex NYC 10199 Chicopee River). [source UCRS CNR Passenger Equipment binder]

More Trains, Bridges, Waterways, adding Boats and Marina:

mile 88.4


sdfourty [727] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/29/1979 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 6504 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA Rail #3 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Bala Subdivision mile 89.9 (search)
City/Town: Severn River (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=47728
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