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One unit model I just can never get too much of. After loosing all the class one MLW’s I turned my attention to the surviving GP9 fleets. Although CP retired all of their GP7/9’s a number of years ago, CN’s fleet is still relatively intact. The GP9RM  is truly an amazing machine. They first arrived on CN’s roster back in the 1950’s and were remanufactured during the 1980’s to early 1990’s, making their most recent rebuild 30 years or more ago. Pretty impressive for units nearing 70 years of daily service. Oakville yard still typically boasts a few GP9RM’s from time to time and today was no different. The 4125 was laying over in the yard while sisters 7052 and 7016 were running a belt pack job. Seen here returning light back into the yard after dropping a cut of cars along the main. The crew are on the ground with one member walking along side with the remote belt pack in hand. What is interesting about the 7200’s and 7000’s are the fact that when they were rebuilt and chopped nosed the controls were left for long hood forward operations, evident from the control stand seen through the window of 7052. The last handoff of 7000’s did have the control stands relocated but the majority did not. All of the 4000/4100’s were set up short hood forward.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: One unit model I just can never get too much of. After loosing all the class one MLW’s I turned my attention to the surviving GP9 fleets. Although CP retired all of their GP7/9’s a number of years ago, CN’s fleet is still relatively intact. The GP9RM is truly an amazing machine. They first arrived on CN’s roster back in the 1950’s and were remanufactured during the 1980’s to early 1990’s, making their most recent rebuild 30 years or more ago. Pretty impressive for units nearing 70 years of daily service. Oakville yard still typically boasts a few GP9RM’s from time to time and today was no different. The 4125 was laying over in the yard while sisters 7052 and 7016 were running a belt pack job. Seen here returning light back into the yard after dropping a cut of cars along the main. The crew are on the ground with one member walking along side with the remote belt pack in hand. What is interesting about the 7200’s and 7000’s are the fact that when they were rebuilt and chopped nosed the controls were left for long hood forward operations, evident from the control stand seen through the window of 7052. The last handoff of 7000’s did have the control stands relocated but the majority did not. All of the 4000/4100’s were set up short hood forward.

Marcus W Stevens [1080] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/06/2023 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 7052/7016 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Oakville subdivision (search)
City/Town: Oakville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52155
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