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On a winter day, VIA Rail (formerly CN’s) Spadina coachyard in downtown Toronto, Ontario is viewed in winter 1982. All the tracks are packed with passenger equipment, including an Ontario Northland TEE train for the Northlander and VIA Rail cars from the blue and yellow fleet and old heavyweights including some cars still painted in their former CN colors.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Andy Gertz all rights reserved.

Caption: On a winter day, VIA Rail (formerly CN’s) Spadina coachyard in downtown Toronto, Ontario is viewed in winter 1982. All the tracks are packed with passenger equipment, including an Ontario Northland TEE train for the Northlander and VIA Rail cars from the blue and yellow fleet and old heavyweights including some cars still painted in their former CN colors.

Andy Gertz [31] (more) (contact)
Date: Winter 1982 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CN Spadina Coachyard VIA Rail Spadina Coachyard (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51500
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Photo ID: 50209

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  1. Awesome photo. This shot was about a year after i hired on at CN. I worked the coach yard many times as a yardman. I see you even captured the Super Continental on the loop track that CN/VIA used ton turn the equipment for its journey back to Vancouver. Sad that this scene is long gone

  2. Wish I would have took more.Used to go up in the old coal tower.

  3. Amazing. Every time one of those beautiful 8500s dragged the Super around the loop, I was sure it was coming off. The creaking of the track, the immense labour put into pulling it around that corner….

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