Caption: My memory of a prairie town. Broadview, once a division point in the mid-west, is now just a station on the CP Indian Head sub. But it is still there. Built 1913, it became redundant but then designated a historical site in 1992 before anything bad could happen to it. So many of these once-vital small town settlements lost their stations over the years, but not this place. Instead, it lost its grain elevators. Pity.
I did a pair of road trip back in 2000 and 2002 and it was amazing how many elevators disappeared in that short period. I can only imagine how few there are left today
It IS shocking, Marcus. I took some old Instamatic shots of 5 or 6 elevators in one town back in 1974, and when I returned there in 2016, there was nothing. No station either. But what can ya do? We cannot be everywhere at once. And film cost money. Now we have digital, and there is nothing left to shoot.