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Heading Home: One five hundredth of a second is insufficient shutter speed to completely freeze frame the Cobourg Turn – CPR 3033 west – accelerating out of the M of W foreman's working limits at the west switch CPR Port Hope mile 144.0 Belleville Subdivision. Twenty nine year old GP38-2 3033, class DRS-20c, is assisted by twenty six year old sister 3114 ( a nice change from the constant GE parade). Over the years the Cobourg Turn (also known as the Trenton Turn) has been powered by a variety of interesting  power such as  MLW RS-3, RS-10, RS-18, even the TH&B geeps and .....(let us know what power you have seen....). Note the M of W foreman hi rail pickup truck in the Port Hope siding. October 22, 2012 image by S.Danko.
Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.

Caption: Heading Home: One five hundredth of a second is insufficient shutter speed to completely freeze frame the Cobourg Turn – CPR 3033 west – accelerating out of the M of W foreman's working limits at the west switch CPR Port Hope mile 144.0 Belleville Subdivision. Twenty nine year old GP38-2 3033, class DRS-20c, is assisted by twenty six year old sister 3114 ( a nice change from the constant GE parade). Over the years the Cobourg Turn (also known as the Trenton Turn) has been powered by a variety of interesting power such as MLW RS-3, RS-10, RS-18, even the TH&B geeps and .....(let us know what power you have seen....). Note the M of W foreman hi rail pickup truck in the Port Hope siding. October 22, 2012 image by S.Danko.

sdfourty [724] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/221/2012 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP3033 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: mile 144.0 CPR Belleville Sub (search)
City/Town: Port Hope (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=5923
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Photo ID: 5356

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  1. Neat pic. I’ve seen that turn with the 4652…ex B&M GP40-2.

  2. In the early 80′s it ran with GP35s.

  3. …will have to dig out the Cobourg Turn Kodachrome with the 8449, a single MLW RS-3 and a caboose of course !

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