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Goderich-Exeter Railway’s (GEXR) former CN plow 55413 is seen with its new safety decals and G&W logos in Mitchell, Ontario on the Goderich Subdivision on November 21, 2022. On this day, train 581 was ordered to plow the line to Goderich after some heavy snow squalls blanketed the area that weekend. However due to some last-minute mechanical issues with the plow, it was decided to just go light power to Goderich. The following day, 581 was able to successfully plow the line with 55413.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jason Noe all rights reserved.

Caption: Goderich-Exeter Railway’s (GEXR) former CN plow 55413 is seen with its new safety decals and G&W logos in Mitchell, Ontario on the Goderich Subdivision on November 21, 2022. On this day, train 581 was ordered to plow the line to Goderich after some heavy snow squalls blanketed the area that weekend. However due to some last-minute mechanical issues with the plow, it was decided to just go light power to Goderich. The following day, 581 was able to successfully plow the line with 55413.

Jason Noe [1022] (more) (contact)
Date: November 21, 2022 (search)
Railway: Goderich-Exeter (search)
Reporting Marks: GEXR 55413 (search)
Train Symbol: GEXR 581 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: GEXR Goderich Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Mitchell (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50598
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Photo ID: 49309

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. That once gloss black paint is looking a little faded after 37 years. I believe CN 55413 & CN 55614 were the two CN plows painted in the experimental Teflon Black scheme. This black paint was applied to the two plows in November 1985 as indicated by their stencil of CN. 11.85 applied at the time. Did you happen to take a closeup pic of the consolidated stencil or other stencils on the side of the plow?

    Keep those Work Equipment photos coming! :-)

  2. How many stickers remained on after plowing???

  3. What a way to ruin a classic.

  4. Thanks, guys, for all the comments on the plow.

    Paul, no I didn’t photograph the other side that day. But thanks for the information.

    Yes Steve, there is that chance it might already look different!

    David, yes, I agree. It needs a bigger logo too.

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