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CN’s run from Kitchener Yard down to the CP interchange on the Huron Park Spur tends to be random and that randomness can be great at times, as seen in the photo. Around 0830 hrs, 540’s crew was on duty and was chatting with Montreal to receive orders on what 542 will be doing later that day and what power they’ll be taking. As they were speaking, they had a 13 car train of scrap (I believe going to Russel Metals at Hagey on the CP) and a few covered hoppers built on the west end of Kitchener with 1408 leading GMTX 2279, 7025, and 4790. They pull up to the station on the siding track and waited for their light to proceed onto the main track at Kitchener West and back down the main and pull down the Huron Park Spur and as they were waiting, 540 calls up Montreal once again and says something along the lines of “Metrolinx ain’t connecting to our call for our light, conductor is in the office trying to get a hold of them and nothing is going through”. Interesting, they specified they needed only the light to back down the main from the siding to get to the Huron Park Spur switch at Sturm so they were running 1408 in decent light down to the CP interchange no matter what. Light’s only getting better longer they sit as well. Finally Metrolinx answered and gave them their light to do what they needed to do but I did not hear if Metrolinx responded to why they weren’t answering. An interesting morning led to a great scene as 1408 comes down the Huron Park Spur approaching Queen Street on the former GRNR in the sweet morning light. They then will set-off their train at South Junction and proceed back up to Kitchener light power due to track restrictions after 10:00 hrs. 542 then took this unit with the GMTX 2163 to service the N Guelph Spur so this movement definitely caught my satisfaction as the power was separated.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Liam Dumancic all rights reserved.

Caption: CN’s run from Kitchener Yard down to the CP interchange on the Huron Park Spur tends to be random and that randomness can be great at times, as seen in the photo. Around 0830 hrs, 540’s crew was on duty and was chatting with Montreal to receive orders on what 542 will be doing later that day and what power they’ll be taking. As they were speaking, they had a 13 car train of scrap (I believe going to Russel Metals at Hagey on the CP) and a few covered hoppers built on the west end of Kitchener with 1408 leading GMTX 2279, 7025, and 4790. They pull up to the station on the siding track and waited for their light to proceed onto the main track at Kitchener West and back down the main and pull down the Huron Park Spur and as they were waiting, 540 calls up Montreal once again and says something along the lines of “Metrolinx ain’t connecting to our call for our light, conductor is in the office trying to get a hold of them and nothing is going through”. Interesting, they specified they needed only the light to back down the main from the siding to get to the Huron Park Spur switch at Sturm so they were running 1408 in decent light down to the CP interchange no matter what. Light’s only getting better longer they sit as well. Finally Metrolinx answered and gave them their light to do what they needed to do but I did not hear if Metrolinx responded to why they weren’t answering. An interesting morning led to a great scene as 1408 comes down the Huron Park Spur approaching Queen Street on the former GRNR in the sweet morning light. They then will set-off their train at South Junction and proceed back up to Kitchener light power due to track restrictions after 10:00 hrs. 542 then took this unit with the GMTX 2163 to service the N Guelph Spur so this movement definitely caught my satisfaction as the power was separated.

Liam Dumancic [100] (more) (contact)
Date: 6/17/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1408 (search)
Train Symbol: 540 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Huron Park Spur (search)
City/Town: Kitchener (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41821
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  1. Nice! Rolling through the jungles of Kitchener.

  2. Metrolinx response would probably be “because of COVID-19″. Surprised they have to talk to Montreal not London or Toronto.

  3. Scrap wouldn’t be going to Russell Metals at Hagey, could be inbound structural steel loads going there, could also be empty scrap gons headed to either Triple Metal (DJJX gons) in Kitchener, or Combined Metals (CMBX gons) in Cambridge (off the old Killeen siding).

    Truly unique photo tho, good catch!

  4. Awesome shot and excellent location for this Liam.

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