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Canadian Pacific contracted Relco Locomotives in Albia to build at least 2 of these Herzog-esque self-propelled M/W trains.
This units  “A” end is powered, converted from GP38AC CP 3001 and  carries two numbers, CP 403011 and MW 9507-10.  The “B” end is driving controls only and carries the numbers CP 403091 and MW 9507.  
The cars are converted well cars.
I believe this info is correct from other sources but would welcome comments.
Copyright Notice: This image ©colin arnot all rights reserved.

Caption: Canadian Pacific contracted Relco Locomotives in Albia to build at least 2 of these Herzog-esque self-propelled M/W trains. This units “A” end is powered, converted from GP38AC CP 3001 and carries two numbers, CP 403011 and MW 9507-10. The “B” end is driving controls only and carries the numbers CP 403091 and MW 9507. The cars are converted well cars. I believe this info is correct from other sources but would welcome comments.

colin arnot [627] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/08/2018 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 403011 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Manchester Yard (search)
City/Town: Calgary (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=33639
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  1. Seeing this photo sure grabbed my attention!!!

  2. Awesome catch, hope they send it East one day :)

  3. The information you’ve conveyed here matches up with what I’ve heard. I’ve also heard from an inside source that it’s provoked some controversy in the matter of who is qualified to operate it. After all, it is for all intents and purposes still a locomotive.

  4. CP MOW-01 consists of;
    Power Unit MW 9507-10 Railcar #CP 403011 ex-CP 3001
    3-pack well car CP 403021 Greenbriar built
    3-pack well car CP 403022 Greenbrier built
    3-Pack well car CP 403023 Greenbrier built
    Non-powered B cab MW 9507-11 Railcar #CP 403091 ex-CP 522325 95′ flat
    The first 3 CP MOW trains are assigned to AB, BC, & SK.

  5. The three GP38 locomotives converted for use as Power Units on these first three MOW Trains were CP 3001, CP 3005, & CP 3007.

  6. I also have heard a little about this debate. I understand that if it is a piece of MOW equipment it does not need a full qualified engineer to operate it. To me it sure looks like a locomotive with a train. I would be interested to hear if any one knows how things work out.

  7. I was just driving down Ogden Road on the weekend when I noticed the MOW engine sitting. Really different, had never seen it before. Would make an excellent model engine.

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