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Another fine pair of homemade number boards.
I sometimes wonder if CP is still a railroad. I live near the Galt Sub, which used to be good for a train every 90 minutes even when it was slow. Now, you can go for hours with nothing. I know they got rid of the Sprint, and renumbered everything, but it’s really sad just how quiet things have become.
I wish when the 9500′s were repainted (the ones that have been) that they painted back in the Dual Flag scheme like when brand new. oh well, this foamer can only dream.
Couldn’t agree more Dave. And when you finally do get one, the sun doesn’t cooperate
What happened to 6623′s original number boards?
Some of the number boards on the hump units were damaged by rock throwing vandals
What happened to them bringing back the beaver scheme? Oh, and why would they repaint a locomotive if it’s just going into storage or before a rebuild?
The beaver scheme has returned, a handful of engines have already been repainted. Waiting to catch of them soon I hope! As for the repainted AC4400 guess it’s just a numbers game, store the older power regardless of paint condition.